Malik Academy has been recognized by the Boston Public School (BPS) system. The office of the superintendent of Boston has officially approved the school’s setting and program. As a recognized private school in the BPS district, Malik Academy is always looking to build bridges with a variety of educational offices and starting to appreciate the opportunities that this great location offers.
Malik Academy is a project of the Muslim American Society-Boston Chapter (MAS) and is a member of the Muslim American Society Council of Islamic Schools (MASCIS), the educational branch that is working to establish an effective network of Islamic schools nationwide in order to exchange information and expertise.
Malik is a member of the New England Council of Islamic School (NECIS), an organization which channels the Islamic school resources and expertise into promoting the betterment of Islamic education in the New England area. Malik Academy participates and leads NECIS meetings. It facilitates professional development opportunities for member schools and actively promotes an exchange of know-how and support within the members of NECIS.
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