Malik Academy seeks to provide financial aid to those students in grades 1-8 whose family can provide documentation of need.
We believe enrollment in our school should not be limited to families who are able to pay full tuition. Our tuition assistance program enables us to assist deserving students who could not otherwise afford to attend. The tuition assistance program helps to achieve social and economic diversity within our school community. This goal is an integral and respected part of our school’s philosophy, operating budget, and fund raising objectives. Malik Academy may not be able to meet 100% of demonstrated need for each applicant, and frequently, the number of qualified applicants exceeds the tuition assistance resources of the school. Therefore, there is no guarantee that every qualified applicant will receive tuition assistance.
Tuition assistance is offered as a reduction of full tuition, which is determined through an analysis of family financial need. Application for Tuition Assistance may be downloaded HERE.